Which is the Best Digital Camera?

People ask me on a regular basis, if they should buy a Canon or Nikon digital camera. The answer is the best digital camera depends on what you do with it.

In any case, I try not to give direct answers to this question, because there is no answer that will satisfy everyone. What is the best digital camera? Let's see.

You're the one shooting, and not to


Nikon and Canon fans are fierce rivals when they talk about digital SLR cameras. It's pretty much like a rivalry between DC Comics and Marvel, or Windows and Apple users, Blackberry and Palm. Because they are such fanatics about it, their struggles sometimes appear in the newspaper, and people end up believing one article or another, although this is not the whole truth. In fact, this camera is no different, and there is no clear winner when it comes to photography.

What I'm talking about is the fact that they are great photos of people, not cameras. Cameras alone can not do much, if the user is inexperienced. Spending $ 1000 on the camera does not do you much good if you have no idea when it comes to taking photos. These extra features will not replace the lack of experience.

Yes, it's nice to have the latest gadget, the best features, but why pay for them, if you're not going to use them. Great camera will not improve your photography experience. You have to learn to photograph in the first place.

How large are these differences?

However, there are still some differences between different models of cameras. In some cases the differences are large, in other cases small.One example would be to use a CCD sensor in the Nikon cameras, and Canon models have CMOS. While Canon uses the engine for each lens, Nikon has an autofocus motor in the camera. Something that Nikon and Canon makes a system that uses vibration to clean the dust from the sensor.

My preference, based on his experience for the Nikon D200 but I had the camera for a long time so that was my experience. At the same time, my father in law owns a Canon 20D digital camera and he also finds his best camera. While I will probably remain forever Nikon fan, my father in law will always be a Canon owners. Well, one additional reason may be the fact that we bought the lenses from the same manufacturer, so that changing the decision would mean a big investment.