Is Your Wedding Photographer a Real Pro?

Many talented professional and amateur photographers who simply do not have the volume of business that could afford the best cameras, lenses and other equipment is known to represent a common theme:

and that "it is a photographer, not the equipment. Anybody can buy equipment, but it is talent that matters'.

I agree with them to the point. But many times it is false and disingenuous argument. Since the client never have to make a choice or hire talent or high speed. Actually, you need both.

Although it is certainly true of a great photographer can deliver a great picture with mediocre equipment, the same photographer can give a better picture with a large equipment than you can with mediocre equipment.

Look at it this way ... professional race car driver who has tremendous skills can easily go faster than the Ferrari he can Firebird car. The same level of skills, better equipment.

is also true, however, that the truly poor and non-professional wedding photographer can somehow get the top equipment. Almost every wedding has guests who show up with a professional grade equipment, but a quick overview, you will find that they are usually people who have a beautiful career going on in other areas that allow them to afford a really good camera and lens. Wedding photographers in the name for them ... They call them 'Uncle Bob'. And most Pro does not care for Uncle Bob, but actually, I think each his own.

So when choosing a photographer to record an amazing day, why would artificial selection? Do I need a talented photographer or a photographer with great equipment? The answer is simple, I need both.

Stay tuned for the next tip comes true soon!