How to Save Green in a Green Bathroom Renovation

In today's uncertain housing market, have you thought of a great bathroom renovation or planning a face lift, remodeling decisions we make today, and their results will affect your wallet and the environment today and tomorrow. Using bathtub refinishing as the core method of your green bathroom renovation project, you will save money, time and environment. the principle of green bathroom renovation is to save the natural values ​​that are so very important for our survival, while saving money - green and environment-green. These resources include water and energy.

Speaking of saving natural resources, let's talk in the first place when the paint.

When reglazing costs about $ 450 - $ 650 and is done in the bathroom. Home owners can even choose your own color scheme. For example, You May want a very light pink when, how, with darker pink wall. And you can finish off with a black sink and toilet (new toilets can only be refinished. check with your local bathtub refinishing company.) put together. No tear-out, or plumber or tile-setters who are involved. To recap: when the benefits of finishing the replacement of the savings in time, money (up to 80%) and environmentally-green


And speaking of green, tub replacement cost $ 1500 - $ 2500, depending on the location and the contractor. Here are the reasons why it costs about $ 300 to buy a new tub in a friendly home remodeling stores, but costs $ 1500 - $ 2500 to replace, not counting the cost of dumping non-biodegradable waste in the bathtub, -. environmental impact

replacement when it includes tear-out services and various subcontractors. Recruitment of various sub-contractors, by themselves or hired a general contractor, a specialty of the mess-if it exists. It takes a special gift in the art of coordination, and the answer to many prayers. Such a miss and match schedule can give you ulcers, and increase your blood pressure, I am not a doctor. To recap: replacement service includes various artists with different skills and enterprise, working on a project at your place into a small space-your bathroom. Good health to you.

Now, consider the cost of replacement energy - energy used in the manufacture and transportation of the new node. First, raw materials must be procured and transported to the warehouse to start the production process. Then to lose a valuable asset in securing new transportation from factory to warehouse, as well as his final resting place, your bathroom. Replacement costs more, takes more time and its impact on the environment is one that many people do not want part of it.

Other energy saving and water

One of the ways that waste water is wasted and the green is going down the drain is to use the old water guzzling shower head. Replacing them saved in water bills. Dual-flush toilet is used by many to reduce the amount that is wasted, and the amount of green that is washed down the toilet. Dual flush toilets as well as the name implies, has two flush modes. One for the number one and the other way, using more water when going number two. Energy-efficient light bulbs will definitely cut your energy bills. Skylights in your bathroom can add an inspiring environment, and supply you with a fresher and cleaner air.

Today, many are struggling looking for ways to save money on your green bathroom renovation, while adding value that makes a positive impact on the environment. When finishing, when combined with other energy, water and ecological restoration best practice is a happy choice choice to save the green and blue and green living in the economy.