Bridal Shower Ideas - Fun Themes For the Bride-to-Be


Spa Party - Girls, this is a day of relaxation for the bride-to-be and guests! Spa Party is a wonderful way to help all the nice, relaxed and ready for the big day. Many spas offer special rates for wedding parties enjoy manicures, pedicures, facials and massages. Or you can hire a massage therapist come to wherever you're hosting a bridal shower given to all fifteen minutes of shoulder and neck rub as you give each other manicures and try some new nail polish and lotions.

make-over day - This is a great follow up to a spa party. Get everyone together, give each other a cool new hairstyle, add lots of glamorous makeup, accessories Swap and hold a fashion show! If you can, arrange for a professional make-up artists will be there to help and definitely have someone to take pictures to save this memory. After the new bride returned from their honeymoon, you can present the album all the photos to remember this fun event.

Room House Party - Each guest is asked to bring a gift for a specific room in the house. They can put together a gift basket or make a useful item that will go perfectly in a new pair of home.

Jack and Jill shower - Showers attended by the bride and groom, family and friends become more and more popular. After all, why should the young have all the fun? You can make the theme of the event around town couple met or an activity they enjoy together. For example, if they met in college ... graduation caps give a guest room or choose a fun theme dorm. If the couple enjoys skiing, if the time is appropriate, the book shower at a local ski lodge.