Why I Like Photography

I, since I can remember, has an interest in photography. I like that you can never get the same picture twice, each photograph taken is a new art, a new story. With photos, you can stop the time and always remember.

When I was photographing, I am always looking for something new, something that inspires me. It can be something simple and common as blades of grass to see the water drops on it, or a broken fence that was for me, a story of struggle and age. Regardless of the object, and try to find the story behind it, one that can not be said of itself.

My favorite photos are those that pass on a feeling or a story not only to me but to all those who look at the photo. These photos not only tell a story rather than yelling or feeling. One example is the photographs that I took last winter. I was up in the mountains with some friends and I decided I would take a few pictures while I was out. It was probably about ten degrees outside that day and the wind brought the number down even more.

I walked through the woods trying my hardest to avoid walking into the wind and noticed the tree from the corner of my eye. Most people would just see the wrong tree with a smaller one, but I saw something more.

For me, the taker crooked tree was kind of a parent figure bent over trying to protect a small tree, or a child from the wind. I took a few pictures from some different angles, and decided it was time to head back to where we had parked our cars.

When I finally developed the photo, I was with a friend and fellow photographer. After seeing the picture, said it seems as if the larger tree tries to protect a small tree. I was immediately happy that she could see what I see in the picture.

Later that winter, I went to a photograph in a local photo contest and ended up winning. I received many compliments about photography and how strong the image to.

I believe that what makes people like the photo is what they see in him and how they may relate to photography. When I photograph, and shoot anything and everything I find interesting. You never know how it is going to turn out until they develop the photos and see what you recorded.

I believe that everyone can take a great photograph. Really all you need is a camera. It does not matter what type or kind of camera you have as long as you have a way to capture the moment when you are trying to preserve.

I like the pictures, because nothing about it has to be done in the same way and no pictures can be repeated. Everyone has a different way of taking pictures and his special methods;. Just need to find out what your