The Best Zoom Digital Camera For 2009

Somewhere, someone decided that there was a gap between relatively inexpensive point and shoot digital camera automatically, and something more sophisticated digital SLR cameras used by many professional photographers. This is the biggest feature separating the two cameras is the zoom lens. Thus was born an ultra zoom, zoom digital camera or extended. They're a bit bigger to carry around, but usually sport significantly improved through the lens compact and ultra compact point and shoot. In addition, they do not require pulling some cases, additional equipment around, as many of the SLR camera to do.

With the above 20x optical zoom, and camera are impressive, and may be the perfect camera for certain situations. Like when you show up late for the wedding, and get stuck in the back benches. With these cameras you will be able to still get great shots of bride and groom a big kiss, without being mistaken for an official wedding photographer. As a general reminder for all of these cameras, image stabilization is a gotta-have, unless you happen to have Rock Steady hand surgeons.

Panasonic Lumix FZ28

This Panasonic model has a 18x zoom lens, and it goes for about $ 350 or less. IA (Intelligent Auto) setting works pretty well. Automatic settings are important to many photographers, this camera aims as a manual tweaking is generally not something a lot of casual photographers do. Of course, for those who prefer to make adjustments, the possibility is there. LCD is a nice size 2.7 inches. zoom control seems to be the opposite of what I could expect, but after spending some time with him, I am sure that most people get used to it.

Canon Powershot SX10 IS

Canon is one of my personal favorite brands, and this camera is one of the reasons why. This Canon is comparable in price (around $ 350) for previously reviewed Panasonic Lumix, but with a 20x zoom, instead of just 18 years. Even a few die hard SLR owners I hear from, swear by this camera. Lens 28-560mm range is anything to sneeze. Especially with the clarity and noise free images produced by this camera, even at higher ISO settings. You can, of course, better clarity and sharpness with a good SLR, but you will also spend at least double the price to come. Not to mention a lot more gear to drag around for the SLR. Other nice things about this camera, the ability to capture video file, even if they are slightly more obscure. mov format from Apple.

Olympus SP-565 UZ

You should be able to find the Olympus for under $ 300 these days. Which is pretty good, when you consider the quality 20x zoom lens that comes with it. Some would argue that the successor to something failed Olympus SP565UZ. This is a much better camera, a little lighter, and includes auto zoom and auto focus feature. zoom is a joy to work with, and some advance features Face Detection, Shadow Adjustment and work as advertised. It's got a cool feature call prior record, I think, is a poor mans answer burst mode offers many high-priced SLR. It is basically allows you to record up to 10 photos in quick succession, and then select the ones you want to keep.