Rent Vs Buy - Should You Rent Or Buy a House?

Buying vs Renting? In our current economy, many question whether buying a house really is better than renting.

"But not owning a home really trump renting? With the economy stumbling, falling house prices and credit tightening, many housing experts question the conventional wisdom." - Justin Ewers of

with a fall in home prices, increasing costs and greater difficulty in securing a mortgage, many people make some valid points for renting over buying a house, when you consider that typically method people pay mortgages:

    when the housing market slumps, owning a home becomes a little more than renting from the bank if the down payment is invested in mutual funds, you might be further ahead financially tax deduction for home ownership is often not enough to offset costs home ownership comes with many other costs - from maintenance to insurance to taxes, none of which build equity the average family stays in a house only six years

But what about the benefits of home ownership , when considering whether you should rent or buy a house?

    have greater control over whether to stay or move - what if the landlord raises the rent or selling too high? You can choose to have pets without the restrictions imposed by the landlord Depending on your area, You May be able to get more house for the same monthly cost. Freedom to redecorate or remodel the way you like - it belongs to you.

can be used to determine whether you should rent or buy a house, but compared to the conventional way people pay their mortgage than the rent. What if you could build equity and pay off your mortgage faster than conventional methods?

We just accept the fact that people usually take 30 years mortgages and compound interest end up paying more than twice the initial price by the time the house is paid off. Even at 6% interest mortgage, the effective interest rate is over 100%! For the first five years, most of your mortgage payments will pay dividends, with little going on principle, so that financially, You May as well be renting.

Is there a better way - that tips the balance of the rent vs. buy decision. What if you could build equity and pay off your mortgage in 1 / 2 to 1 / 3 the time:

    , without refinancing without additional payment without changing the budget

by using this system you can get the benefits of home ownership and get ahead financially - even in a slumping economy. For more than 10 years Australia has been using this method, and now more than 50% of mortgages are done this way. The system has recently been adapted to the U.S. banking system so that you can now use the "banker" math "to your advantage. Whether you are currently paying a mortgage on your home or you're considering your options in buying or renting this system can help you maximize how you use your money.

To determine how much faster you can build equity and pay off your mortgage, I recommend that you fill out the form with your mortgage figures. It costs nothing but a couple minutes of your time - but could save you a lot and have your money work for you - instead of the bank
