Photographing The Maine Outdoors In Winter

Nature and scenic photography is not on any list of hazardous jobs that I know, but as a photographer in northern Maine I sometimes feel that they should be. When the weather forecast calls for bitter cold temperatures below freezing or it's time to start taking precautions, because they work outdoors photographer suddenly becomes very dangerous. Staying indoors in front of a wood stove, although calling is not really an option because I take pictures of life and if I stopped for the winter because it is a little cold weather would be missing one Maine is the best time for photographs. I've learned to survive the cold Maine the same way I learned photography on my own and through trial and error, fortunately for me he learned about dealing with cold temperatures, much faster.

I love hiking through forests and farms of northern Maine and enjoy all four Maine single season. Before becoming a photographer I have submitted Maine's winter, but never had any great love for him. These days I find myself actually looking forward to winter and the ever-changing landscape. Taking photos in cold, harsh winter conditions, presents his own unique challenge, but nothing a bit of experience and common sense can prevail.

the two biggest challenges is always keeping himself, as well as my camera is at least warm enough to function. Chills photographer rarely takes a good picture. As with many other winter outdoor activities the trick is to dress in layers, it is more colder layers. good first layer of thermal underwear, followed by a heavy flannel shirts and flannel lined jeans, and sweaters or light jackets are fleeced always good. I top it all off with a heavy winter coat, I figure I'm better off with too many layers, but not enough, because I can always remove a layer if it gets too hot. Wearing boots that are well insulated and waterproof is also a good idea, because no matter how dry and fluffy snow can be in the end it will soak through your servant, if they are not waterproof. If it's not too cold I'll just usually wear woolen hat on his head, but I have this extremely cold flannel hat with ear flaps that I wear under my hood, it's not a pretty sight but hey I'm not in front of the camera.

is probably the hardest part of the body to keep warm when taking a picture with her hands because I've never been able to work with gloves on, no matter how thin, the first thing to come out when I get ready to shoot the picture was nice warm gloves. In all the times I went in and temperatures below zero degrees Fahrenheit I just got a mild case of frostbite. I now use hand warmers to keep my hands warm or to warm up after being exposed for any length of time.

Hand warmers are also a great way to keep the camera warm enough to make it functional. Even the best batteries will cease to work quickly in extreme cold so I'm sure the coat pockets are large enough to keep their hands warm, my camera and my hands. I also make sure that you have a spare battery with me and try to keep them in the inner pocket, so my body heat will keep them from being drained from the cold. relatively warm camera and warm hands can make for some nice winter pictures.

My most popular photo called "winter blues" was recorded in one of the coldest days in January 2005, the day when I got that a mild case of frostbite. It always seems to me that the colder the air is clearer days and better images come from a particularly nice view. I often get e-mails from people who saw the "winter blues", or some of my other winter photos tell me how it looks cold. It makes me feel all warm inside to know that I actually made ​​one "feel the cold" through my photos. My work can be seen in, but before you visit ... dress warmly.