A Step by Step System to Avoid Information Overload in Your Internet Marketing Business

Information overload is a big danger for new internet marketers. It is such a big problem. It can only kill your business. When you start you bombarded with information and training that you can postpone actually taking action and getting going -. type of analysis paralysis

and, unfortunately, it is on the increase. Every day I get emails and pop-ups telling me about the next best thing for this or that - Twitter, Facebook, pay-per-call (the new pay per click!), traffic boosters, a list of builders ... I can not keep up with this stuff.

I spent a year jumping from one to another, learning a lot but a little. It's frustrating. So, what's the answer?

Well, I've been following Mike Dillard's teachings for some time, so I'm all ears on his latest - "What's Working Now. " Mike's reflects a growing problem and talks about bringing the EFFICIENCY of your marketing activities. This is a "short cut system" - so you can follow these new practices, but not so focused in the way


I certainly resonate with the information overload and Mike certainly struck a chord with a lot of people here. There are almost 1000 comments on his page!

I was drowning in great confusion until I found Carbon Copy Pro (CCPR). This step-by-step process was great for focusing my activities.

there is an awful lot of information, even in that one program, but we've put together a five step plan for each new business member to build on their existing skills and learn some new techniques. Work to get good at these before moving on. It can take weeks, even months, and many will flick over to something else to say it does not work.

training is focused, inspirational, motivating and very practical - I'd had a lot of 'aha' moments


There are two things you need to master - traffic, converting visitors.

There are two things you need to master - traffic, converting visitors.


The traffic is pretty easy, on May take time to build momentum, the conversion is tricky and this is where personal branding comes in, again it takes time - more for some than others, some people are more natural and look good communicator on camera or have a "nice"way about them. But it's all about building relationships, as an authority and, above all, be your authentic self.


Hang in there - keep doing activities - but to be focused, not fly here and there. A consistent, persistent action is always worth it.

I think that your sponsor is an important part of this - mine is the top of the leader so I do not expect personal attention - you may not need it, all the back office and the sponsors are simply shepherds [. [/ P>

I take responsibility for their work, for their job and trying to improve on what I'm doing. These are personal qualities not everyone has - they want fast results and blame others, you should hold a mirror


Success is not a sprint - it's a marathon - and I'm in it for the long term big bucks is not a quick buck


I'll keep an eye on Mike's' What's Working Now "because I think it can help a lot of my new people - but I urge you to incorporate an element of personal development, according to activity, persistence and self-belief in their daily business operation.

Personal growth is too easy to miss a critical element if you want success in the long run for this dream lifestyle.